Walking on Air: How One Migrant Found Comfort Abroad Through Dancing

I’m originally from Mozambique, but I have lived in Egypt, Sri Lanka and two years ago I moved to Jordan.

I always loved to dance and in 2016 when I was in Egypt, I became a Zumba instructor.

People who come to my dance classes are from all over the world and since Zumba is a mixture of Latin and international music, I get to adapt the style depending on the group. Jordanians request more Arab music, so I have created a different playlist with Arabic music.

Being a Zumba instructor can be challenging, because each place I go to has a different style of music, dance moves and people have different energy. And whenever I move to a new place I must start from scratch; beginning with getting to know the people, culture, and then advertise my classes and gather the dancers.

Dancing makes people drop their guard and allows them to express themselves through body movement. Zumba is a way of communicating and wherever I go, it enables me to get to know and understand new cultures and history.

Wherever I go, through Zumba I get to create a new family and that gives me so much happiness. The heartbreaking part is leaving the country and saying goodbye to all these lovely people.

Dancing makes people drop their guard and allows them to express themselves through body movement. Zumba is a way of communicating and wherever I go, it enables me to get to know and understand new cultures and history.”