"Access to Technology, Access to Opportunity": Mery's Journey to Entrepreneurship in Ecuador

Like many Venezuelans, Mery and her husband have stood in front of empty supermarket shelves. From baby formula to cleaning supplies, many everyday goods have become scarce in Venezuela.  


When they struggled to find and buy cleaning products, they leveraged the power of technology and the internet. Glued to the computer screen, they poured through online resources and watched video after video on YouTube to learn how to make their own cleaning formulas from scratch. Eventually, they succeeded.  

After moving to Ecuador, their determination and resourcefulness paid off. They used their newly acquired skills to start their own business, "Smart Link". 

Reflecting on the early days of their idea, she says, "At first, we looked like crazy scientists, spending hours studying until we finally achieved our goal."  

Despite having a background in administration and a husband who was a successful business owner, Mery recognizes the importance of constantly learning new things and exploring opportunities.  

"I believe that everyone has skills to offer, but learning to be an entrepreneur is key," Mery adds. 

By leveraging their combined expertise and curiosity, Mery and her husband identified a new market and started their own business in Quito, demonstrating the value of adaptation. 

I believe that everyone has skills to offer, but learning to be an entrepreneur is key.



Starting and growing her business in a new country came with numerous challenges, but Mery remained persistent and focused on her goals. She worked tirelessly to build her brand. Her dedication has been rewarded. Today, she offers over 35 high-quality cleaning products, ranging from all-purpose cleaners to laundry detergents. 

For Mery, migrating to a new place means embracing change and adapting to new surroundings while also bringing her own unique experiences and perspectives to the community she has joined. Currently, she is participating in Ecuador’s regularization process along with her family, which will bring them more stability and peace of mind in their new home.